Kimchi Mandu


I made my first Mandu (dumplings in Korean) around a year ago when I just started blogging. Last week I made mandu again, but this time with some chopped kimchi, as I also wanted to consume my homemade kimchi in another way than just as a side dish.

You can make your own dumpling wrappers with just flour and warm water (look at my guo tie recipe), but if you've got no time to spare, ready-made dumpling wrappers can be such a timesaver!

I shaped my dumplings in 3 different ways. Which shape do you like best?

I used Maangchi's recipe this time to make the basic mandu. But I added some chopped kimchi to add some extra kimchi-kick ;).

Ingredients (makes 80)
  • 1 cup ground pork
  • 2 cups ground beef
  • 2 cups chopped chives
  • 4-5 soaked and chopped Shiitake mushrooms
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 1/2 tofu, chopped
  • 3 cloves of minced garlic
  • 1/2 tbs sugar
  • 2 tbs oyster sauce
  • 1 tbs fish sauce
  • 1 tbs sesame oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup chopped green onions
  • 2 cups chopped kimchi
  • Mandu skins

Pan-fry your kimchi mandu and serve with kimchi and salad.

This is my favourite way of eating kimchi mandu! I let my mandu float and swim on top of kimchi sauce :).

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  1. Mmm...this looks so yummilicious and very well shaped!!! I love all the three shapes :)

  2. Looks very good! Too bad my kids can't take spicy, else I will definitely make these since my family loves dumplings. :) thanks for the recipe though, and I love the left shape the best! You are very skilled!

  3. It's only 6am, but looking at these pics makes me want to pick up my chopsticks and dig in! Marvelous!!

  4. I liked the middle shaped (though all r good) the best- different. U have presented it so beautifully that it is hard to resist ;-)

    Hamaree Rasoi

  5. Wow, your dumplings are perfect. I wish I could trade you a plate of those dumplings for a plate of crab cakes.

  6. Wow! you shaped your dumplings so perfectly, I always ended having odd sized dumplings lol! Love yours!

  7. I love dumplings. I gotta make some kimchi ones soon. I love all three types of mandu techniques. You're quite good.

  8. Perfectly wrapped and love the charred parts of mandu/guotie :P

  9. Your mandus look so well made. I am sure they are very tasty too.

  10. These dumplings are perfectly pleated! Well done!

  11. Oh my !! all 3 of them looks wonderful.I don't mid which shape you give

  12. Eres una artista, te han quedado de lujo.

    Que tengas un buen fin de semana

  13. Wow..such a creative dumplings...lovely spread indeed...

  14. Your dumplings lok beauty and perfect! x gloria

  15. Looks too nice to be eaten :)

  16. I like how you dress up your plate, so colorful! I love eating mandu too.

  17. OMG you're mad!!! How gorgeous and delicious!!! :D I just don't have the level of workmanship to ever achieve these shapes T_T

  18. HAHA! u r so good at shaping!
    I've tried making those mangchi's mandus sometimes last year..but my pleating is bad..HAHA!!

  19. look @ this piece of art work!! my gosh !!!

    have a lovely weekend :)
    jen @

  20. I made this once, and I think it is a true labor of love! This is one of my favorite dumplings in the world. I will have to try your recipe someday.

  21. Wow! Those are lovely dumplings! I think I like the middle ones best, but they are all wrapped so beautifully. The plating is just gorgeous as well. You're making me crave dumplings now.

  22. Wow....beautiful photos. Am drooling!! Love your beautiful presentation. I love kimchi. I would really enjoy this whole plate....yum

  23. ngilerrrrrrr!!! duh sin, dumplings lo bentuknya bagus banget sih, neat gitu....haiyaaa kapan yaaa gue bisa bikin rapi kayak gitu :(. Oiya sin, gue uda bikin piggy bun yah....hahaahahah malu dah gue, kagak se-cute elo punya...huehehehe.

  24. @ Everyone - Thanks for your lovely words and kind comments :)! I love eating mandu too!

    @ Belzy - Hehehe, makasih ya. Dulu aku juga pas buat dumpling bentuknya aneh2, tapi krn akhirnya ada youtube, terus coba2 sendiri, akhirnya bisa juga tuh - dan secara tiba2 gitu, padahal tadinya tuh ngebungkusnya bentuknya aneh banget. Ttg piggy buns...ayo pajang2 di blog, jadi pengen liat :), pasti bagus lah, kamu kan pinter masak, kalo ke blogmu aku tuh pasti ngiler2 ;)!

  25. aduhh g demen bgt ama kuotie ato suikiaw both of them i really like it , tp biasa Sin aku males bikin nya , liat kamu bikin ya ampunnn rajin amat n cakep amat !

  26. They are so perfect! I love the presentation too!

  27. Perfect and delicious, love your presentation too...

  28. Oh my, what a delicious treat! Love everything on that platter. Can I join in? haha.... Hope you're enjoying your weekend.
    Cheers, Kristy

  29. I like the middle one best =D It's makes it so small and plump and cute!! They look delicious too!

  30. I adore your making of wrappers from
    scratch not to mention that kimchi dumpling is one of my favorites.

  31. I adore dumplings and these are beautiful . . . your photographs are so clean and colorful! Everything looks absolutely delicious! Cheers, Michelle

  32. The circle ones in the middle are so perfect!

  33. I have to say, every time I stop by, I am impressed by the cute food you make :-) the Piggy bun bun, all these small mandus (our version of jiaozi and huntun), just makes me smile :-) and reminds me how pleasant the life can be.

  34. Can you please have me over for dinner? My goodness, these all look so delicious. I would have a hard time stopping. Thank you for sharing with me!

  35. Very very nice! I tried my hand at making guotie last weekend. It was ok but I need to practice more at those pleating...

  36. first time here loved ur space,happy to follow ur recipes...
    Do visit my blog if time permits...

  37. looks delicious, I love spicy food. You dumping shaped all so nice and pretty.

  38. These are gorgeous. I'm amazed that you've become so adept at shaping them in such a short period of time. I couldn't pick a favorite if I had to, so I'll have one of each. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  39. lovely dumplings..they look so professional n well made..beautiful clicks n super presentation!

    US Masala

  40. They look beautiful and delicious.

  41. Hello CG... Your email almost broke my heart. I am so sorry you didn't win first prize in the sandwich contest this time. It was a very hard decision, and much was taken into consideration. You do such beautiful and delicious work. I will be devoting a post to you and your blog very soon, and I hope that with your ten entry points will make up for not winning first. Take care, Keri

  42. all your dumplings are so beautifully wrapped!

  43. @ Keri - I was absolutely happy that I won third place, as I really didn't expect to win at all:). I mainly joined in for the fun. Hmm..., did you mean my comment in your blog, because I didn't write you any e-mails ;)?

  44. The dumplings are so pretty! Love the sound of the filling!

  45. What a beautiful plat of fresh and tasty food. This is my favourite 'style' of cuisine because I grew up on Asian dishes with my Nana.

  46. what an incredible presentation! your dumplings are simply beautiful! I love them all, they all look almost, and I say almost...too pretty to eat! I had no idea you could make your own wrappers too, you make it sound so easy!
    my girls would love those!

  47. How beautiful your mandus are! I love all three types! Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. I will be visiting here often!

  48. Such lovely photos! Simply awesome!

  49. Wow, your dumplings look so cute, very nice wrapped...I usually by them frozen...shame on me :-)

  50. Never go wrong to pair kimchi with mandu. Love!!!

  51. These look fantastic CG! I watched the video too and it makes the pleating really come together! :D

  52. CG...gimana ngebungkus si mandu?? di web nya maangchi dikshliat ga caranya?

  53. So beautifully made and photographed! Dazzling yumminess, woh!!

  54. @ Kartika - di videonya maangchi yg diatas ditunjukin kok gimana cara bungkusnya, coba diliat video nya :).

  55. Sooooo gorgeous!!!!

    Make your own wrapper?!? I am gonna give this a try!

  56. Am with the third click...Fascinating clicks dear..

  57. looks sooo yummy!!!! exchange yuk :)
